Healthy summer eating

With summer on the way (hopefully soon!!) I would imagine we are all trying to get a good healthy eating system in place-I always think it is far easier to manage this now rather than in winter, when mugs of tea and hot chocolate are constantly on the go in a bid to stay warm and cosy! The inevitable sweet sugary snack which accompanies this is where I fall down!
These are just a few of my healthier favourite things I like to eat during the summer months!
Avocados are a firm favourite and I always keep them handy for making sauces or pesto but I know lots of people adore them mashed on some toast with favourite toppings. The one I made above was delicious- I just sliced a few strawberries to top the mashed avocado on gluten free wholegrain toast and added some parmesan cheese shavings to give a little savoury taste. 
The combination of flavours was lovely and one I will keep on repeat here for a quick appetiser or healthy lunch snack!
My other favourite healthy snacks are bowls of fresh veggie crudites with a  hummus dip on the side to add a little extra taste! I use whatever I have  available and I absolutely love small sweet cherry tomatoes at this time of year. I eat them like sweets from the carton!
I have also being looking out for some easy quinoa recipes-pinterest (as always) came up trumps with a few unusual ideas and I saw a lot of recipes using summer fruits as extra ingredients to add to salads ! I tried blueberries and some mandarin segments in mine above to add sweetness to the basic salad leaf mix and then combined the cooked quinoa with it! You could also add a favourite salad dressing for more flavour if you need it. This is a good salad mix to have on standby for bbq days- a lovely side to serve with grilled chicken or pork:)
Hope you are all having a good week:)
Anne xx

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