January pick me ups…

This first month of the New Year can be a bit bleak and dreary for many-yesterday was actually supposed to be the most depressing day of the year! Looking on the positive side, it has passed and Spring is just around the corner:) In fact I only discovered the other day that the Easter weekend is hot on the heels of St Patricks weekend this year which is such a short time!
 Anyhow to get me through the next few weeks I am looking forward to making to make a few small changes here and there throughout the house and to my daily routine. These are some of my ideas that might give a little inspiration at this time:)
New bedding is always a good place to start and with so many sales 
still in progress you are sure to find a set that suiits your budget. A few flowers or scented candle beside the bed also gives the room a lovely fresh feel:)
If someone is missing the cheery glow of the Christmas tree and lights- a simple bit of greenery and lanterns glowing softly can also look amazing and lift the room out of the doldrums!
Re-discovering old favourite recipes and adding some of your own ingredients can be a great way to gain new interest in cooking. I know this works for me, as I am always so fed up of standing at the cooker over Christmas – it is always nice to see how adding just a few different ingredients can totally change a tried and trusted recipe.
And lastly don’t forget to treat yourself, even if it is something small like having a pamper night once a week or taking time out in a busy day to read and savor a cup of coffee or tea:)
Hope you all have a lovely week:)
Anne xx

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