Shiny Moments

Hi everyone 🙂 
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend! That cold icy snap we had during the week was so welcome after all the wet and wild weather over the Christmas holidays. Here are some of our shiny moments from this week 🙂

Enjoying winter walks with the pooch (puppy not able to go out for another two weeks) and coming home to a warming bowl of chilli 🙂

Speaking of Miss Bibi- she has put on a little weight but is still so tiny! We are all afraid of stepping on her little paws!

Love a good brunch and catch up with good friends – this veggie plate at Foodgame did not disappoint 🙂

Today we are enjoying these divine chocolates from Hotel Chocolat! The only problem is trying to decide which one to have!
We hope you all have a good week ahead 🙂
Anne & Laura xx

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