Shiny Moments…

Happy Sunday everyone! 
It has been a busy week around here, topped off with our blog turning one yesterday. We can’t believe how quickly that year went!
As always, we’ve captured a few shiny moments below 🙂

The weekend started early with a preview of the new to Ireland skincare range, Organic Surge. We’re currently trialling some gorgeous goodies and will have a full review up next week!

After the event, I continued on to The Market bar for some delicious tapas with my friend Aoife. If you haven’t been, we highly recommend checking out their yummy menu! – Laura

We both started the weekend off with fresh flowers. Is there anything better?!

I enjoyed a lovely brunch with friends on Saturday afternoon, followed by some yummy cocktails at the gorgeous Dylan Hotel.

And turned one! Thanks to everyone for following, reading and commenting throughout the past year – we’re excited for the next one ahead! If you haven’t yet entered our birthday giveaway, pop on over to our Instagram now! We’ll be choosing a winner tomorrow 🙂
Laura & Anne

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