Coachella is Calling…

In case you missed the exciting newsflash on my Instagram recently, I’m going to Coachella!! 
It’s one of those events that I have followed for years but never imagined I would be going to myself! Tickets are extremely hard to secure –  but we decided last year that 2018 was the year we would try. After much preparations and strategising, myself and six of my nearest and dearest friends bagged ours a couple of weeks ago and we are all California bound in April!  The excitement is too much and it all still feels a bit surreal…
Of course Coachella is primarily about the music but it’s also a fashion lovers playground! Kicking off festival season in serious style, the key summer trends are often seen here first. Of course my mind is now in overdrive about what to wear and it got me thinking about personal style and trends.
Coachella is known for being a little OTT and flicking through previous years style snaps, some people really take it to the extreme. Some look amazing and as with all matters of personal taste, some looks are questionable! 
With so much hype surrounding the perennial ‘what to wear to Coachella‘ question, it can be hard not to get caught up in the style of all these festival goers who look incredible! I can tell you now that I won’t be adopting the typical festival uniform of bralets, hot pants and see through dresses! There’s no way I would pull it off and it would feel completely alien, as these are pieces I would never wear in reality.
Style is all about wearing what you feel comfortable and confident in and by all means if it’s the above, then that’s fair enough! The important thing is not get swayed by trends or feel under pressure to fit in with a certain “look” that’s just not you. What’s the point in splashing out hundreds of euro on pieces you won’t wear again – not to mention the thoughts of feeling uncomfortable in the height of that desert heat!
There’s often talk of how you “should” dress for certain occasions but at the end of the day, it’s down to personal taste. Those who look most comfortable in their own skin are the ones who will ultimately shine. Personally, I think dressing for yourself and wearing what makes YOU happy is the only piece of style advice you really need to follow 🙂
I’ll keep you all posted on my looks and how I’m curating them over the coming weeks. The countdown is officially on!

*Disclaimer: I know these photos aren’t Coachella related but they are representative of my own personal style!!

Coat: Benetton
Photography: @anthonyobb

Laura Bergin
Laura Bergin

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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