Shiny Moments

Happy Sunday! It’s nice to be relaxing today after what felt like a very long week!
Settling back into a routine after the Easter holidays was never going to be easy…but we got there 🙂
Here’s a few ‘Shiny Moments’ from along the way..
Coming across this fab plant pot while doing the weekly shop in Lidl –  a steal at only €3.99! (Anne)
Staying with the interiors bargains, Penneys came up trumps yet again…
This little pom pom cushion was reduced to €2…
And I can never resist a touch of rose gold! How fab are these candles? (Laura)
Saturday made all the better with delicious pancakes for breakfast!
Fresh Spring nails in one of my favourite Shellac shades, Lobster Roll.
Hope you had a fabulous weekend and a great week ahead!
Laura & Anne

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