Shiny Moments…

Happy Valentines day! 
A big bunch of red roses makes for a gorgeous start to this week’s round up of Shiny Moments ๐Ÿ™‚
It has been a week filled with sweet treats! On Thursday, we went along to the unveiling of the Swatch spring collection and were spoiled with these cute cupcakes.
More yummy cake on a quick day trip to Cork…
We also enjoyed a preview screening of a new Irish film, Shoebox Memoriesahead of it’s exclusive debut at Dingle Film Festival. Pitched as a love story inspired by music, it certainly captured our hearts and we highly recommend checking it out! 
My outfit for a birthday party on Saturday night……that turned out to be a surprise engagement party!! I’m so thrilled for my friend Nicole and her new fiancรจ – I can’t wait for the wedding planning to begin ๐Ÿ™‚
Enjoy the rest of your evening and have a great week!
Laura & Anne

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