A New Year begins…..

It’s hard to believe the holidays are over, Christmas seemed to fly by this year and now it’s back to work, school, etc for another while at least! As always we are excited to start a brand new year though and we are looking forward to seeing what new opportunities 2016 will bring! 
We had a new addition to the household at Christmas-a little puppy we named Bibi! She is absolutely gorgeous, but a little handful at the minute! We are sure it will all settle down in a bit!
We would like to say a big thanks to everyone who read and left comments on our blog last year and we hope to continue with our blogging as much as we can in the year to come! Now if only all that rainy weather would leave-our cool crisp days were few and far between this Christmas! The photo above was taken on one of the rare sunny mornings we had last week!
Wishing you all a super week ahead:)
Anne&Laura xx

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