Dining Room Lighting

Hello-hope you are all enjoying the week:) Our bad weather has had a good influence on me as I went into a mad cleaning frenzy and started shifting furniture around all the rooms! I am now looking at changing some of the light fittings as well, starting with the one over my dining table.
 I am gathering a little inspiration where I can and thought I would share a few ideas here….
Love the solid colour of this fitting against the all white walls….
The simplicity of this one really caught my eye….
Love the old farmhouse vibe of this one-not sure it would fit in with my own decor but I think it looks fab here with the beams….
I have seen lots of this style being used lately and I think they look stunning….
This is the exact style I was originally thinking about, but after doing lots of research I am now unsure as usual! Will be reading all my old decor mags as well in case I am missing anything else! If anyone has any firm favourite here do please let me know!
Take Care and enjoy the rest of the evening:)

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