
The above is ringing very true at the moment. As those of you who follow me on Instagram will know, last Friday evening my world was turned upside down with the sudden closure of Clerys, where I have worked for the past 4 years.
I’ve been feeling a lot of emotions over the weekend, mainly sadness. I’m sad for my colleagues and friends, many of them having devoted over 30 years service to the store – we were hit with the news like a bolt out of the blue. I’m sad for the loss of the store itself, an iconic landmark in Dublin which held a place in the hearts of many throughout the years. And I’m sad to see all of our hard work in building and developing a brand that we were passionate about, washed away within minutes.
At the same time, I feel very lucky to have been part of the Clerys story and to have had the chance to work with such a talented team. The skills and experience I have gained are priceless and I have hundreds of happy memories that nobody can take away.
I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting over the weekend as I consider my next steps and I’ve come to the conclusion that a positive outlook is key! As clichèd as it may sound, everything happens for a reason and although I’ll close out this chapter with sadness, I’m excited to embrace my next adventure.
Thank you to everyone who left such kind messages and took the time to comment/e-mail/call/text me over the weekend. I am overwhelmed by your support!
Normal fashion service will resume tomorrow but for now, I’ll leave you with some words that hold a lot of meaning for me at this time.
Have a great week

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