Hot Cross Muffins…..

I used to love a hot cross bun at Easter but now I find the shop bought variety are much too doughy for me, so I was delighted to come across this hot cross muffin recipe. It is more a cake than bun texture, but a great substitute for anyone avoiding yeast which is normally used to make these type buns.

 I adapted the recipe to suit my own flour preferences of almond and buckwheat blended together, but you could use plain gluten free or any ordinary flour if you wish. I also used honey instead of brown sugar to make them a bit healthier! 

2 cups almond flour
1/2 cup buckwheat flour
3 large eggs
2 tablespoons honey
3/4 cup almond milk
2 tbsp or 200g  butter or baking margarine
1tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1tsp mixed spice
3/4 cup of raisins or sultanas
Blend the flours, baking powder and spices in a mixing bowl. In another bowl mix the eggs, milk honey and butter together until smooth. Add this mixture to the dry flour ingedients and when blended mix in your raisins or sultanas.
Spoon into a muffin tin and bake in a hot 180c oven for 25mins. I got six large muffins from this recipe or it would make 12 small cakes.

When the muffins are cooled, cross the top with some vanilla icing to decorate. I bought mine ready made (Betty Croker brand)  but you could make your own with icing sugar and water mixed together.
Best enjoyed with a large mug of tea:)

Take care:)

Anne xx.

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