Shiny Moments

Happy sunny Sunday everyone!
We had a short week here with St. Patrick’s Day falling on Thursday. The sun was shining brightly all day for a change, so a lovely time was had by all!
 Here are a few of our shiny moments from the week 🙂

Early sunny morning walks….
Sandymount Beach looking absolutely amazing on St Patrick’s Day 🙂
Freshly done nails in time for Easter.

The two cuties – we are loving the way they have bonded so quickly!
Birthday celebrations for my friend Anthony! (Laura)

 A fantastic meal and catch up with good friends on Friday night (Anne)
How fab are these umbrellas outside the new bar Zozimus on Anne’s Lane. The cocktails come highly recommended too!
Hope you all have a good week ahead and enjoy the count down to Easter weekend 🙂
Anne & Laura xx


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