The AW17 Edit .1

With September 1st on the horizon, new season thoughts are slowly but surely creeping in!
Although I haven’t had my summer holiday yet (4 weeks and counting!), I’ve already started my AW17 wishlist! This year, I’m setting myself a challenge to start with the basics and buy with outfits in mind, rather than random pieces here and there! So where better way to start than with a Top 5 list, all styled around the ultimate wardrobe staple – skinny jeans!
The only black jeans I have been living in this year are my POCO by Pippa All-Stars.
Perfect for day or night, they are without a doubt a key piece that I’ll be building many outfits around this season!
Here, I’ve picked a monochromatic mix of basics tailored around work and weekend. A good fitting black blazer is at the top of my agenda, along with a quality pair of casual leather boots. I actually have this River Island blazer in Camel and I’ve worn it loads! Cashmere is the ultimate luxurious treat and a timeless investment. And Other Stories has a gorgeous selection in-store already and I’m definitely going to pick up a few pieces. Finally, pearls are trending in a massive way for AW17 – so they couldn’t be overlooked! This white shirt from Zara is the perfect nod to the trend 🙂

Now…back to browsing for beachwear! But that’s a whole other post 🙂

Have a great week!

Laura Bergin
Laura Bergin

Find me on: Web | Instagram

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