Red Velvet Cream Cheese Brownies

There is only one thing for a rainy bank holiday and that is to bake something delicious to go with the endless cups of tea being consumed….these red velvet brownies are so moist and light they practically melt in the mouth:) This is the recipe Laura adapted from here to make them….
1 stick of butter (4oz)
3/4 cup of self raising flour
1 cup castor sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp salt
1tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup cocoa
1/4 cup of chopped walnuts for added crunch
1 tbsp red food colouring
cream cheese mixture
8 oz package of cream cheese
1 large egg
1/4 cup of castor sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 175 degrees c and grease an 8×8 inch pan.
Melt the butter and mix with the cup of castor sugar in a bowl. Add in the vinegar, cocoa, vanilla extract, food colouring and salt stirring all the time to avoid lumps. 
Stir the self raising flour into the cocoa mixture and add the walnuts until just combined -set aside 1/4 cup of the batter. Pour the remaining batter into the prepared pan.
Beat the cream cheese in a bowl using a whisk. Add in vanilla extract, 1 egg and 1/4 cup of sugar-continue to whisk until the mixture is light and fluffy.

Spoon the cream cheese mixture over the batter in the tin- do not over mix  but blend gently with a spatula. Drizzle the remaining batter over mixture and drag the mixture lightly with a skewer to form swirls.
Bake in the oven  for 30 -35 mins or until an inserted skewer comes out clean.
Cool completely before cutting into squares.
Hope you all have a lovely week:)

Laura and Anne xx

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