Shiny Moments

Hello and welcome to the weekend! As always here is a little round up of our week gone by!
Although it can be hard to get up early sometimes, getting a head start on the day feels so good! I snapped this photo of sleepy Dublin during the week, just as the sun was trying to break through. It was so peaceful and quiet which makes a nice change to the usual morning rush!Laura
Sale season has begun and I’m delighted with two bargains I picked up this week! Both items I have been lusting after too:)
I searched high and low for these Zara sandals for months and was delighted when my friend told me she had spotted them online. And for only €19.99 too! They were in my basket within seconds:)
This tote bag has been on my wishlist since we posted about it here and I couldn’t leave it behind at 40% off in Warehouse! Who can resist a pink pom pom?! It’s a great size for holidays and I love that it has a zip too for keeping everything secure. Laura
Waking to a  sunny morning is always a shiny moment and I was delighted to rediscover this jacket I had forgotten I bought last year in Promod! I think this brand is great for affordable well made clothes! This printed jacket I am wearing is brilliant for days when the sun shines but you still need to add a light layer over a tee:)
I am also collecting a few pieces for my holidays next week in Portugal and was delighted with my River Island sale purchase arriving this week:) This print dress is just perfect for casual holiday wear!Anne
Hope you all have a lovely weekend:)
Anne&Laura xx

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