No Bake Almond and Oat Bites….

I never find it hard to eat salads in summer as I love all sorts of fruit and vegetables, but just lately a little of my sweet tooth cravings returned and I’ve been on the lookout for a quick snack alternative to stop me reaching for sugary sweets and biscuits! 
These little mini bars are amazing and go well with a cup of tea or coffee, which is great for a rainy Monday like this one. There are lots of different ingredients and recipes you can use – see here for some great ones, but I went with ingredients I had in the cupboard already. This recipe made 9 squares for me but you could also roll the mixture into little balls if you prefer.
1 cup of oats ( I used gluten free)
1/2 cup of almond butter
1/3 cup maple syrup
1 cup desiccated coconut
1/2 cup of flaxseed
1/2 cup of cranberries and chocolate chips( I used dairy free soy chocolate drops)
1 tsp of coconut oil melted
Mix all the above ingredients together in a food processor and spoon the mixture into an 8X8 in square pan. Leave to set in the fridge for an hour before cutting into even bars. These are very filling and much better than some of the ones you buy in the health food aisles, which are not only expensive but also have hidden sugars added. 
Hope you all have a good week:) 
Anne xx

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