Hello, hope you are all having a great week! Now that the weather is a lot cooler I thought I would post a nice comforting autumnal recipe to suit lunch or dinner and the good thing about this gratin is that it reheats well which is great for when they arrive home from school, work, college etc at different times of the day.
Now I made this with coconut cream blended with some low fat coconut milk as my son was having it with me for lunch earlier and he avoids all dairy but feel free to swap over to full cream or your favourite white sauce if you prefer! I have to say I was a little sceptical about the flavours here but I was very pleasantly surprised by how well it all came together!
This is what I used to serve 2 as a side dish….
6 large red potatoes (roosters) peeled and sliced and parboiled for 10 mins
1 tbsp coconut cream
1/2 can low fat coconut milk
4/5 rashers bacon cooked in oven for 10 mins to pre-bake slightly
Peel and slice the potatoes and parboil to soften for about 10 mins. Cook the rashers on a tray in the oven to pre-bake until they are just starting to curl up at the edges-you want to leave them a little bit thick so they can be easily diced up.
Meanwhile blend a tablespoon of the coconut cream into your coconut milk and stir on a low heat until the mixture thickens.
Grease an ovenproof dish with butter ( I used pure dairy free spread). Layer the bottom with a row of sliced potatoes. Sprinkle your diced bacon/rashers over the potatoes and spoon some of the creamy mixture on top! Continue with another layer until everything is used up. I got 2 thick layers from this but just double quantities if you need to feed more!
Cook in a 180oC hot oven for about 40 mins until the sauce is bubbling and the potatoes and bacon have crisped up a little at the edges:)
I served mine with some fresh green vegetables and sprinkled some chopped chives on top also for a little added flavouring:)
Hope you enjoyed this recipe
Anne xx